What Should I Do if I’m Scared of the Dentist?

March 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paul Gruensfelder @ 7:24 pm
Close up of man smiling during his dental visit

The team of Cedar Mountain Dental see many patients regularly in the area of Newington, CT who are uneasy about visiting the dentist on a regular basis. They may have dental anxiety, regardless of their age or personal experiences. When patients have a fear of visiting the dentist, it is important that they are honest with our team so solutions such as sedation dentistry can be discussed.

What is sedation dentistry?

Drs. Zach Korwin and Gary Toubman explain sedation dentistry as a method of sedation that allows a patient to get necessary dental work completed without fear or anxiety. Sleep dentistry can be used for any type of dental appointment, even a cleaning, to ensure patients are calm and relaxed in the dental chair. Our practice offers several options for sedation, including:

  • Nitrous oxide
  • Oral conscious sedation
  • IV sedation
  • Deep and general anesthesia

Determining the level of sedation for you requires you to be candid with our team. We do not judge patients with dental anxieties in our practice. Instead, we listen to their fears, speak about the options available, and ensure that each visit to the chair is a positive experience for the patient. We work with patients to choose the level of sedation that meets their needs. For patients with mild anxieties, nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” may be best. Patients with severe fears, or those undergoing extensive dental work, may benefit from deep sedation or general anesthesia. All of these sedation methods are offered in our practice and can be administered before and during dental appointments for optimum relaxation!

Learn more about sedation dentistry

At Cedar Mountain Dental, we are pleased to provide patients with solutions for their oral health and ensuring that each visit experience is positive. By speaking with our team about sedation dentistry, you can make your next appointment free from anxiety. Call Drs. Zach Korwin and Gary Toubman of Cedar Mountain Dental at (860) 667-2600 to speak to our front office team and request a visit. Our practice is located in Newington, CT at 112 Market Square, and welcomes new patients interested in quality dental care solutions.