How Do I Fix My Chipped Tooth?

July 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paul Gruensfelder @ 1:13 pm
Man in blue shirt smiling with white background

A chipped tooth can end up causing mild to severe damage. Knowing what to do if you chip your tooth can make a big difference in whether or not you need to have the tooth repaired or extracted.


When Do You Need a Bone Graft?

July 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paul Gruensfelder @ 1:07 pm
Older man smiling while wearing a collared shirt

A dental bone graft is a minor procedure that’s often performed if you lose a tooth or have one extracted.


How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Teeth?

July 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paul Gruensfelder @ 12:58 pm
Pregnant woman smiling happily

Pregnancy changes many parts of your body, and your teeth are one area that can be affected. It’s a good idea to see your dentist during your pregnancy to ensure good oral health while you’re expecting.


Best Foods to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal

July 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paul Gruensfelder @ 7:03 pm
Close up of plain white yogurt

Wisdom tooth removal is a common procedure that involves the removal of one or more of your wisdom teeth. If you have this type of procedure, following your dentist’s instructions for after-care will help increase your chances of healing as quickly as possible without complications.
